Treatment for Addictive Disorders
If you have an addictive disorder, it is important you access resources, education and clinical support to help you on the road to recovery.
Inpatient Treatment
Our clinic offers inpatient services for the treatment of addiction, which involves complete detoxification, whilst ensuring any side effects and risks associated with withdrawal are treated within a controlled and supervised environment. Medically supervised detoxification may be suitable for those who require a more intensive detoxification within a safe environment with added support to minimise temptations and potential risks.
Following an assessment, patients undertake a three week drug and alcohol inpatient program which includes relapse prevention and lifestyle management strategies. This group-based program provides patients with the skills, techniques and strategies needed to understand and manage dependency disorders.
Throughout admission at The Central Coast Clinic, patients attend regular appointments with one of our on site Consultant Psychiatrists, who oversees treatment for the duration of their stay.
We adopt an abstinence-based approach to treatment. All patients admitted to our addictions program have the option to undertake the 12 step support group program, either Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA), which offers an addiction recovery framework.
Call 1800 814 226 to speak to one of our qualified and compassionate staff members about treatment options today.
We provide relapse prevention and lifestyle management strategies, and discuss the skills, techniques and strategies needed to understand and manage dependency disorders.
Our specialised treatment for addiction addresses the root causes of the disease, including:
- Low self-esteem
- Anger
- Sadness
- Guilt/shame
- Abuse or trauma
- Abandonment (emotional or physical)
Day Programs
Addictive Disorders Program
This program is abstinence based and uses cognitive behavioural therapy, social learning theory and mindfulness. It includes a more psycho-dynamic approach. Each session begins with exploring the issues that have arisen during the week, moving onto learning the skills needed to maintain recovery and lessen relapse.